
Could Your Windows Cause Mould?

Posted on September 21, 2014 by in Mold | Comments (0)

If you remember back to grade school, the water cycle had all kinds of science terms like evaporation and precipitation. Perhaps you remember that dew or frost on grass in the morning is caused by a different sciency-word: condensation. Condensation can signal a couple things. It’s often present when something very cold and something hot
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Mould and How it Affects You

Posted on July 18, 2014 by in Mold | Comments (0)

Mould is a fungus. It belongs to the same kingdom of living things that yeast and mushrooms (arguably the best recognized fungi) inhabit. Though the study of fungi or mycology is often considered a branch of botany (the study of plants), moulds and fungi are more closely related to animals than plants. Humans use a
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Asbestos History: Monks Achieved Redder Reds with Asbestos

Posted on June 09, 2014 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

In the 11th century, monks at the Enkleistra St. Neophytos monastery in Cyprus added white asbestos to the plaster behind their religious paintings, presumably to enhance the colour of the red paint they used, and this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to asbestos history. People have recognized the remarkable properties
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Should you Try to Remove Asbestos Yourself?

Posted on May 21, 2014 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

If you live in a home that was built in the last 10 or 20 years you don’t need to be concerned that it might contain asbestos. However, if you own home that was built prior to the 1990’s, there’s a very good possibility that it contains asbestos in some of the materials used in
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10 Interesting Facts about Asbestos

Posted on May 14, 2014 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

We hear a lot about the dangers of asbestos in our homes and asbestos abatement is a billion dollar industry. While we focus mainly on the negative aspects of asbestos, it’s still a fascinating material. Here are ten interesting facts about asbestos that you might not have known about. The word asbestos is derived from
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Asbestos in Strange Places

Posted on May 13, 2014 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

We’re all familiar with the common places to find asbestos, like flooring, insulation, and popcorn ceilings, but asbestos can sometimes be found in shocking locations. “Many victims of mesothelioma are exposed to asbestos in uncommon ways.” Says Cappolino Dodd Krebs LLP. in an article that goes on to list some of the strangest places to
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How much Mould is Too Much?

Posted on May 07, 2014 by in Mold | Comments (0)

That’s a difficult question to answer and every person’s tolerance to mould is different. Some people will be thrown into a panic by a bit of mildew around the edges of a bathroom window that’s prone to condensation. Still others wouldn’t think twice about a bit of mould growing on the walls of a damp
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Remediating a Grow Op

Posted on March 28, 2014 by in Mold | Comments (0)

It’s an unfortunate legacy of our times, but these days a lot of rental homes are being used as marijuana grow ops. In fact, it’s estimated that one in four homes in some parts of Canada were used for a grow op at some time in their history. When a house is turned into a
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