Pipe wrapping removed with a moderate risk abatment protocol

Understanding Moderate Risk Asbestos Abatements

Posted on July 15, 2024 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

Abatement understanding starts here Asbestos, once celebrated for its durability and heat resistance, is now known as a major health hazard. When asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are disturbed, they release fibers into the air, which can be inhaled and cause serious diseases like asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. That’s why proper asbestos abatement is crucial to
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Low-Risk Asbestos Abatements: What You Need to Know

Posted on July 03, 2024 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

Asbestos – the word alone can send shivers down the spine. This naturally occurring fibrous mineral was once hailed for its fire-resistant properties but is now known for its serious health risks. While high-risk asbestos situations get a lot of attention, understanding and managing low-risk abatements is just as important for keeping your environment safe.
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Glove bag abatement is a specialized technique used to contain and safely remove asbestos from pipes, valves, and other small fittings

What is a glove bag containment? 

Posted on June 17, 2024 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once widely used in construction for its durability and heat resistance. However, it is now known to pose serious health risks, including lung cancer and mesothelioma, when its fibers are inhaled. Safely managing asbestos during renovation or demolition is crucial, and one effective method for this is
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Asbestos in Window Putty: why asbestos was put into window putty

Posted on May 09, 2024 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

In the realm of construction materials, asbestos holds a complicated legacy. Once celebrated for its remarkable properties asbestos has since become synonymous with health hazards and regulatory scrutiny. Among its many applications, one lesser-known usage was in window putty. In this blog, we embark on a journey through time to uncover why asbestos was incorporated
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asberstos woker in tyvek suit wearing a 1/2 mask and p100 filters

Gear Up: What Asbestos Workers Wear in the Danger Zone

Posted on April 16, 2024 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

Hey there! So, you’re curious about the world of asbestos abatement, huh? Well, strap in because we’re about to break down the essential gear that keeps these workers safe in moderate-risk situations. Think of it as their superhero suit against those pesky asbestos fibers. So what do asbestos workers wear in the danger zone? Breathe
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trailer filled with yellow asbestos bags that have been goosenecked with duck tape

What happens to asbestos after it leaves your home? 

Posted on March 27, 2024 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

Have you ever wondered what happens to asbestos when it leaves your home? We are held to some pretty strict guidelines to ensure that the waste is dealt with in a safe and contained manner.   It all starts with how we bag up and seal your asbestos-containing waste. Every bag is double-bagged which is a
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linoleum flooring containing asbestos

Linoleum Flooring: Navigating Concerns about Asbestos

Posted on March 05, 2024 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

In the world of interior design and home renovation, flooring plays a pivotal role in both functionality and aesthetics. Linoleum flooring stands out for its durability, versatility, and eco-friendliness, making it a popular choice for most. However, concerns about asbestos content in older linoleum flooring have emerged, raising questions about health risks. In this blog
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bag of vermiculite insulation called zonolite yellow and blue label

Does All Vermiculite Insulation Contain Asbestos?

Posted on February 14, 2024 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

No, not all vermiculite insulation contains asbestos. However, there is a significant geographical context to consider regarding vermiculite insulation and asbestos contamination that must be considered when determining the likelihood of contamination in your vermiculite. Most vermiculite insulation sold in the United States and Canada from the 1940s to the 1990s came from the Libby
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Popcorn Ceilings: Not Your Average Movie Snack!

Posted on February 07, 2024 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

Movie snack? ….not quite…. but stay with me… Now that I have your undivided attention, let’s get to the task at hand here; Popcorn ceilings, once a popular interior design choice, have been a staple in many homes since the mid-20th century. Popcorn ceilings are known for their ability to conceal imperfections and reduce echoes,
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