
Why Colder Weather Can Mean More Calgary Mold Removal

Posted on November 15, 2013 by in Mold | Comments (0)

Now that the cooler temperatures are here with us, we are seeing an increase in need for Calgary mold removal. Why is that, given that mold comes from moisture in the home and the fall and winter months usually bring more dry air? The short answer has to do with the fact that, once temperatures
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A Few Things You Should Know About Calgary Asbestos Removal

Posted on October 11, 2013 by in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Almost everyone knows that asbestos, which was once common in building and insulation materials, poses a significant health risk. In fact, even though asbestos was banned in North America late in the 1970s, there are still ongoing legal cases and health studies around its effects that continue today. One effect that Calgary homeowners and business
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Does Calgary Mold Testing Have to be Expensive?

Posted on September 16, 2013 by in Mold | Comments (0)

When homeowners first detect a moldy smell – or worse, see signs of mold around the house – one of the first things that comes to mind is wondering how much they’ll have to spend for Calgary mold testing. Very often, they have heard horror stories from others, and they might be wondering whether it’s
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A Few Things You Should Know About Calgary Asbestos Abatement

Posted on August 28, 2013 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

Almost everyone knows that asbestos, which was once common in building and insulation materials, poses a significant health risk. In fact, even though asbestos was banned in North America late in the 1970s, there are still ongoing legal cases and health studies around its effects that continue today. One effect that Calgary homeowners and business
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3 Signs You Should Look Into Calgary Mold Removal Immediately

Posted on August 15, 2013 by in Mold | Comments (0)

Most Calgary homeowners have heard horror stories about mold removal, but tend to think it’s something that they don’t have to worry about too much. Mold can be a serious problem, both for your health and your home, especially if it isn’t dealt with immediately. How can you know whether you need to call someone for Calgary
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Where You Find Asbestos Products

Posted on August 13, 2013 by in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Where you find asbestos products. What is common to many asbestos-containing products is that they were (are) used to contain heat (i.e. thermal insulation.) or there were used as a bonding agent (cement or mastic) It is impossible to list all of the products that have, at one time or another, contained asbestos. Some of
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