Does Mould Grow During Winter? - Amity Environmental - Calgary Mold Removal Experts

Does Mould Grow During Winter?

Posted on December 22, 2017 by in Mold | Comments (0)

Going into the cold season, this is a question we hear a lot. Most of our regular readers will know that mould has very similar needs to people. It needs a warm place to live. It needs something to eat, and it needs water. Outdoors, you won’t be seeing much fungi growing in December because
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Differences Between Types of Asbestos - Amity Environmental - Calgary Asbestos Removal Experts

Differences Between Types of Asbestos

Posted on December 15, 2017 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

Something we hear fairly often from people with pro-asbestos interests is that different types of asbestos are more or less dangerous. They suggest that while some types of asbestos should be completely avoided, others are safe to use in homes and businesses. Here’s what you need to know about the different types of asbestos. Asbestos
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Window "Sweat" in Winter Can Cause Mould - Amity Environmental - Calgary Mould Removal Experts

Window “Sweat” in Winter Can Cause Mould

Posted on December 08, 2017 by in Mold | Comments (0)

Have you ever noticed water drops on your windows during winter? What about delicate drawings left by Jack Frost? Many Canadians struggle with condensation on their windows during the cold months, but it’s important to find a way to overcome this challenge — otherwise your home may be at an increased risk for mould. Why
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What are Some Asbestos Alternatives? - Amity Environmental - Asbestos Removal Experts

What are Some Asbestos Alternatives?

Posted on December 01, 2017 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

At Amity Environmental, we’re the first to explain all the incredible properties of asbestos. Not long ago, asbestos was a miracle material. It’s a great insulator, fire resistant, chemically inert, and affordable. Of course, it also kills people, so Canadians have had to find alternatives. Polyurethane Foam, otherwise known as spray foam, is a popular
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