Movie snack? ….not quite…. but stay with me…
Now that I have your undivided attention, let’s get to the task at hand here; Popcorn ceilings, once a popular interior design choice, have been a staple in many homes since the mid-20th century. Popcorn ceilings are known for their ability to conceal imperfections and reduce echoes, so these textured finishes became widespread. However, there’s a side to popcorn ceilings that homeowners may not be fully aware of—the potential presence of asbestos. While it sounds tasty and safe, it’s not! The tricky part with this type of popcorn is you can’t see the asbestos with your naked eye.

Can I still safely have a movie night?
The question remains: Can I safely have a movie night at home? Exposure to disturbed asbestos can pose health risks, particularly when its microscopic fibers become airborne and are inhaled. Prolonged exposure has been associated with respiratory issues, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. While the risks are real, it’s important to note that the mere presence of popcorn ceilings with asbestos doesn’t automatically translate to imminent danger. So it’s ok to have movie night in your 1975’s basement as long as you are not scraping the ceilings while watching Jaws!
Eye Spy is not a thing:
Visual inspection alone isn’t sufficient to confirm the presence of asbestos in popcorn ceilings. Sorry, eye spy is not a thing here. To know for sure, professional testing is required. If you are considering a renovation project that involves popcorn ceiling removal, consult a licensed asbestos professional. We can take care of business so you can get back to yours!
Should I go all HULK SMASH on my ceiling to get rid of the asbestos?
No, do not go all “hulk smash” on your ceilings. When asbestos is confirmed, DIY removal is not recommended, as it will likely release asbestos fibers into the air and into the rest of your home. Seeking the services of professionals experienced in asbestos abatement ensures proper containment, removal, and disposal of asbestos-containing materials, all while protecting your air quality!
Popcorn Ceilings are a part of our history, but not your future:
Popcorn ceilings may carry a piece of architectural history, but homeowners need to be informed about potential asbestos concerns. If you suspect your home has popcorn ceilings containing asbestos, don’t panic and cancel all future movie nights. Contact the pros at Amity Environmental. We are here to help take care of you, and bring that 1985 popcorn ceiling Back to the Future!
Amity Environmental Inc.
(403) 667-8264
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