Can Sewage and Water Backups Cause Mould in Your Basement? - Amity Environmental - Mold Removal Experts

Can Sewage and Water Backups Cause Mould in Your Basement?

Posted on August 01, 2017 by in Mold | Comments (0)

Coming home to find that your plumbing has backed up and your house is slowly filling with water or sewage is a literal nightmare. This situation is dangerous for multiple reasons — sewage carries bacteria and viruses that can make people very sick and rising water levels can short circuit your wiring. Unfortunately, the problems
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Why do Mould and Asbestos go Together? - Amity Environmental - Mold Removal Experts

Why do Mould and Asbestos go Together?

Posted on June 15, 2017 by in Amity Environmental | Comments (0)

Here at Amity Environmental, we help Albertans who are struggling with mould taking over their home and also those who have asbestos containing materials lingering in their house. From the outside, these two trades may seem very different, and we’ve definitely had homeowners wondering why we do both. However, mould and asbestos removal actually have
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3 Interesting Facts about Mould - Amity Environmental - Mold Removal Experts

3 Interesting Facts about Mould

Posted on June 10, 2017 by in Mold | Comments (0)

Given that much of our job is spent removing mould from people’s homes or businesses, you probably wouldn’t expect us to be particularly enthusiastic about it. But mould, and fungi in general, is actually really nifty, so we wanted to share some of the things we find interesting about this infamous mildew. Moulds Don’t Photosynthesize
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Why You Need to Hire a Professional to Deal with Mould - Amity Environmental - Mold Removal Experts

Why You Need to Hire a Professional to Deal with Mould

Posted on June 01, 2017 by in Mold | Comments (0)

If you browse the internet you’ll find tons of lifehacks and stories about how to get rid of mould with bleach or by painting over the mildew. Of course, the problem is that these “methods” don’t actually work. They’re at best a band-aid solution that may buy you a little time. Surface Mould isn’t the
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Mould Resistant Materials

Posted on September 30, 2014 by in Uncategorized | Comments (0)

Mould is all around us These microscopic spores are in the air we breath. Inside the house or outside on the street and in parks, mould spores are a part of our life that most people don’t even notice. In the air, they don’t cause problems for the average person. Some people – kids especially
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Could Your Windows Cause Mould?

Posted on September 21, 2014 by in Mold | Comments (0)

If you remember back to grade school, the water cycle had all kinds of science terms like evaporation and precipitation. Perhaps you remember that dew or frost on grass in the morning is caused by a different sciency-word: condensation. Condensation can signal a couple things. It’s often present when something very cold and something hot
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What’s the Difference Between Mould and Mildew?

Posted on August 29, 2014 by in Mold | Comments (0)

When it comes to fungi growing inside your house, it may seem unimportant which sort you have. Whether it’s mushrooms blooming through the carpet, mildew on your drapes, or mould growing on your roof, most people just want the fungi gone and quickly! However, there are some differences that are useful to keep in mind.
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