Why Remove Non-Deadly Mould? - Amity Environmental Inc - Mold Testing and Removal Calgary

Why Remove Non-Deadly Mould?

Posted on December 22, 2014 by in Mold | Comments (0)

If you’re familiar with our blog, then last month you probably read about the different hazard levels that each mould is classified under. Some of these moulds were deadly while others posed no real risk to humans. Which may lead some Calgarians to wonder, well why remove non-deadly mould at all? While Hazard Class C
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When is Asbestos Safe? - Amity Environmental Inc - Asbestos Testing and Abatement Calgary

When is Asbestos Safe?

Posted on December 15, 2014 by in Asbestos | Comments (0)

You might think that at Amity Environmental, we would take the stance that the only safe asbestos is no asbestos, and you wouldn’t be entirely wrong. However, we understand that not all asbestos is equal. Some forms are simply more dangerous than others, and many other factors also contribute. Today we’re going to try and
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